Monday, November 20, 2006


The image of former FSB officer and defector Alexander Litvinenko lying greviously ill in a London hospital bed, and the speculation about who may have arranged his shocking poisoning, reminded me of a chorus of the frequently sung and heard old 'Гимн партии большевиков' - 'Anthem of the Bolshevik Party'

Изменников подлых гнилую породу
Ты грозно сметаешь с пути своего.
Ты гордость народа, ты мудрость народа,
Ты сердце народа и совесть его.

"The rotten breed of contemptible traitors
You ferociously sweep from your path
You are the pride of the nation, the wisdom of the nation,
the heart of the nation and its conscience"

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